Xfurbish Shield

Xfurbish Shield – Trust has U & US in it, you can trust US to give you more than promised 

Xfurbish Shield is mainly intended to have a fair buying experience on our portal as E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling products on online services, in addition, when our buyers/customers shop on our portal there should be some reliability & we aspire our customers return & reorder with us. Furthermore, in order to continue to restore customer faith and help Xfurbish sellers build a healthy relationship with their customers.  Xfurbish Shield is an entity that is always there to assist our customers with any kind of query which is not been answered or addressed with their buying experience. The query which is been brought to the notice of Xfurbish Shield will be resolved within the stipulated timeline. Xfurbish Shield will intervene in disputes between buyers and sellers to rectify issues when the seller/buyer has failed to act adequately to resolve the issue. Our team would be there to revert back to any query raised & see to it that there is a resolution given that is unprejudiced. Either of them can approach us if there is any concern which needs to be addressed by our team. Once we receive a query we have our own way of approach to handle & resolve it. We strive to give the best experience & to reinstate the trust of our customers.


  • Mandatory to have purchased physical goods from a seller on the Xfurbish marketplace
  • If the Seller doesn’t respond to the buyer’s mail (return/refund/cancellation request) within 2 working days.
  • If the buyer's concern is not resolved with the resolution given by the seller Xfurbish Team will resolve it unprejudiced.
  • Xfurbish Team – We strive to resolve our buyer’s resolution within 14 working days once the buyer marks the first mail to the seller about any concern.